Unique masterpieces: kitchen customisation at its best

Browse the extensive gallery of kitchen customisation, where craftsmanship and individuality are key. Be inspired by the photos and discover the possibilities of having your own unique kitchen made. With us, your dreams come true in a kitchen that perfectly suits your personal style and needs.

Wijnand custom kitchen HPLD and walnut veneer photo 4

Custom kitchens: your vision realised to perfection

Our bespoke kitchens are the result of detailed craftsmanship and attention to detail. Each kitchen is fully custom-made, with high-quality materials and attention to your specific needs. Discover the freedom to have your vision realised to perfection in a unique bespoke kitchen.

Wijnand Bespoke Kitchen Fenix Nero Ingo and Oak veneer natural photo 1

The art of handmade kitchens

Step into the world of artisanal perfection with our handmade kitchens. Each piece of furniture is crafted with love and precision, using only the finest materials and techniques. Experience the charm and craftsmanship of a handmade kitchen that exudes timeless beauty.

Wijnand Kitchen HPL XT 730 Carbon photo 4 1

Authentic elegance: handmade wooden kitchens

For lovers of natural beauty, we offer handmade wooden kitchens that create a warm and authentic atmosphere. Each kitchen exudes character and personality, with a beautiful combination of wood species and craftsmanship. Discover the timeless elegance and durability of a handmade wooden kitchen that will last for generations.

Wijnand Bespoke Kitchen Oak veneer stained

Have your expectations exceeded with real wood kitchens

Our real wood kitchens pay homage to the natural splendour of wood. With respect for the material and attention to detail, we create kitchens that embrace the warmth and charm of real wood. Be enchanted by the timeless beauty and durability of real wood kitchens that make a statement in your home.

Wooden kitchen 2

Special living, cooking and enjoying

You're curious what made us different? You will notice that from the very first encounter. We are experts with passion for our profession. And you benefit from that. Whether it's advice, design, installation or supervision of a complete renovation. We realise the kitchen you never dreamed of.

The Wijnand Kitchens inspiration book full of designs will help you find the perfect kitchen.

Willem Kitchen architect
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